
Indexes can be added to collections to speed up document lookups. Every collection has a primary hash index on _key field by default. This index cannot be deleted or modified. Every edge collection has additional indexes on fields _from and _to. For more information on indexes, refer to ArangoDB manual.


from arango import ArangoClient

# Initialize the ArangoDB client.
client = ArangoClient()

# Connect to "test" database as root user.
db = client.db('test', username='root', password='passwd')

# Create a new collection named "cities".
cities = db.create_collection('cities')

# List the indexes in the collection.

# Add a new hash index on document fields "continent" and "country".
index = cities.add_hash_index(fields=['continent', 'country'], unique=True)

# Add new fulltext indexes on fields "continent" and "country".
index = cities.add_fulltext_index(fields=['continent'])
index = cities.add_fulltext_index(fields=['country'])

# Add a new skiplist index on field 'population'.
index = cities.add_skiplist_index(fields=['population'], sparse=False)

# Add a new geo-spatial index on field 'coordinates'.
index = cities.add_geo_index(fields=['coordinates'])

# Add a new persistent index on field 'currency'.
index = cities.add_persistent_index(fields=['currency'], sparse=True)

# Add a new TTL (time-to-live) index on field 'currency'.
index = cities.add_ttl_index(fields=['currency'], expiry_time=200)

# Indexes may be added with a name that can be referred to in AQL queries.
index = cities.add_hash_index(fields=['country'], name='my_hash_index')

# Delete the last index from the collection.

See StandardCollection for API specification.