Source code for arango.client

__all__ = ["ArangoClient"]

from json import dumps, loads
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union

import importlib_metadata

from arango.connection import (
from arango.database import StandardDatabase
from arango.exceptions import ServerConnectionError
from arango.http import DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, DefaultHTTPClient, HTTPClient
from arango.resolver import (

def default_serializer(x: Any) -> str:
    Default JSON serializer

    :param x: A JSON data type object to serialize
    :type x: Any
    :return: The object serialized as a JSON string
    :rtype: str
    return dumps(x)

def default_deserializer(x: str) -> Any:
    Default JSON de-serializer

    :param x: A JSON string to deserialize
    :type x: str
    :return: The de-serialized JSON object
    :rtype: Any
    return loads(x)

[docs] class ArangoClient: """ArangoDB client. :param hosts: Host URL or list of URLs (coordinators in a cluster). :type hosts: str | [str] :param host_resolver: Host resolver. This parameter used for clusters (when multiple host URLs are provided). Accepted values are "fallback", "roundrobin", "random" and "periodic". The default value is "fallback". :type host_resolver: str | arango.resolver.HostResolver :param resolver_max_tries: Number of attempts to process an HTTP request before throwing a ConnectionAbortedError. Must not be lower than the number of hosts. :type resolver_max_tries: int :param http_client: User-defined HTTP client. :type http_client: arango.http.HTTPClient :param serializer: User-defined JSON serializer. Must be a callable which takes a JSON data type object as its only argument and return the serialized string. If not given, ``json.dumps`` is used by default. :type serializer: callable :param deserializer: User-defined JSON de-serializer. Must be a callable which takes a JSON serialized string as its only argument and return the de-serialized object. If not given, ``json.loads`` is used by default. :type deserializer: callable :param verify_override: Override TLS certificate verification. This will override the verify method of the underlying HTTP client. None: Do not change the verification behavior of the underlying HTTP client. True: Verify TLS certificate using the system CA certificates. False: Do not verify TLS certificate. str: Path to a custom CA bundle file or directory. :type verify_override: Union[bool, str, None] :param request_timeout: This is the default request timeout (in seconds) for http requests issued by the client if the parameter http_client is not specified. The default value is 60. None: No timeout. int: Timeout value in seconds. :type request_timeout: int | float """ def __init__( self, hosts: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "", host_resolver: Union[str, HostResolver] = "fallback", resolver_max_tries: Optional[int] = None, http_client: Optional[HTTPClient] = None, serializer: Callable[..., str] = default_serializer, deserializer: Callable[[str], Any] = default_deserializer, verify_override: Union[bool, str, None] = None, request_timeout: Union[int, float, None] = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ) -> None: if isinstance(hosts, str): self._hosts = [host.strip("/") for host in hosts.split(",")] else: self._hosts = [host.strip("/") for host in hosts] host_count = len(self._hosts) self._host_resolver: HostResolver if host_count == 1: self._host_resolver = SingleHostResolver(1, resolver_max_tries) elif host_resolver == "fallback": self._host_resolver = FallbackHostResolver(host_count, resolver_max_tries) elif host_resolver == "random": self._host_resolver = RandomHostResolver(host_count, resolver_max_tries) elif host_resolver == "roundrobin": self._host_resolver = RoundRobinHostResolver(host_count, resolver_max_tries) elif host_resolver == "periodic": self._host_resolver = PeriodicHostResolver(host_count, resolver_max_tries) else: if not isinstance(host_resolver, HostResolver): raise ValueError("Invalid host resolver") self._host_resolver = host_resolver # Initializes the http client self._http = http_client or DefaultHTTPClient(request_timeout=request_timeout) self._serializer = serializer self._deserializer = deserializer self._sessions = [self._http.create_session(h) for h in self._hosts] # override SSL/TLS certificate verification if provided if verify_override is not None: for session in self._sessions: session.verify = verify_override def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ArangoClient {','.join(self._hosts)}>"
[docs] def close(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Close HTTP sessions.""" for session in self._sessions: session.close()
@property def hosts(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the list of ArangoDB host URLs. :return: List of ArangoDB host URLs. :rtype: [str] """ return self._hosts @property def version(self) -> str: """Return the client version. :return: Client version. :rtype: str """ version: str = importlib_metadata.version("python-arango") return version @property def request_timeout(self) -> Any: """Return the request timeout of the http client. :return: Request timeout. :rtype: Any """ return self._http.request_timeout # type: ignore # Setter for request_timeout @request_timeout.setter def request_timeout(self, value: Any) -> None: self._http.request_timeout = value # type: ignore
[docs] def db( self, name: str = "_system", username: str = "root", password: str = "", verify: bool = False, auth_method: str = "basic", user_token: Optional[str] = None, superuser_token: Optional[str] = None, verify_certificate: bool = True, ) -> StandardDatabase: """Connect to an ArangoDB database and return the database API wrapper. :param name: Database name. :type name: str :param username: Username for basic authentication. :type username: str :param password: Password for basic authentication. :type password: str :param verify: Verify the connection by sending a test request. :type verify: bool :param auth_method: HTTP authentication method. Accepted values are "basic" (default) and "jwt". If set to "jwt", the token is refreshed automatically using ArangoDB username and password. This assumes that the clocks of the server and client are synchronized. :type auth_method: str :param user_token: User generated token for user access. If set, parameters **username**, **password** and **auth_method** are ignored. This token is not refreshed automatically. If automatic token refresh is required, consider setting **auth_method** to "jwt" and using the **username** and **password** parameters instead. Token expiry will be checked. :type user_token: str :param superuser_token: User generated token for superuser access. If set, parameters **username**, **password** and **auth_method** are ignored. This token is not refreshed automatically. Token expiry will not be checked. :type superuser_token: str :param verify_certificate: Verify TLS certificates. :type verify_certificate: bool :return: Standard database API wrapper. :rtype: arango.database.StandardDatabase :raise arango.exceptions.ServerConnectionError: If **verify** was set to True and the connection fails. """ connection: Connection if superuser_token is not None: connection = JwtSuperuserConnection( hosts=self._hosts, host_resolver=self._host_resolver, sessions=self._sessions, db_name=name, http_client=self._http, serializer=self._serializer, deserializer=self._deserializer, superuser_token=superuser_token, ) elif user_token is not None: connection = JwtConnection( hosts=self._hosts, host_resolver=self._host_resolver, sessions=self._sessions, db_name=name, http_client=self._http, serializer=self._serializer, deserializer=self._deserializer, user_token=user_token, ) elif auth_method.lower() == "basic": connection = BasicConnection( hosts=self._hosts, host_resolver=self._host_resolver, sessions=self._sessions, db_name=name, username=username, password=password, http_client=self._http, serializer=self._serializer, deserializer=self._deserializer, ) elif auth_method.lower() == "jwt": connection = JwtConnection( hosts=self._hosts, host_resolver=self._host_resolver, sessions=self._sessions, db_name=name, username=username, password=password, http_client=self._http, serializer=self._serializer, deserializer=self._deserializer, ) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid auth_method: {auth_method}") if verify: try: except ServerConnectionError as err: raise err except Exception as err: raise ServerConnectionError(f"bad connection: {err}") return StandardDatabase(connection)