Source code for arango.replication

__all__ = ["Replication"]

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from arango.api import ApiGroup
from arango.exceptions import (
from arango.formatter import (
from arango.request import Request
from arango.response import Response
from arango.result import Result
from arango.typings import Json, Params

[docs] class Replication(ApiGroup):
[docs] def inventory( self, batch_id: str, include_system: Optional[bool] = None, all_databases: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: """Return an overview of collections and indexes. :param batch_id: Batch ID. :type batch_id: str :param include_system: Include system collections in the result. Default value is True. :type include_system: bool | None :param all_databases: Include all databases. Only works on "_system" database. Default value is False. :type all_databases: bool | None :return: Overview of collections and indexes. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationInventoryError: If retrieval fails. """ params: Params = {"batchId": batch_id} if include_system is not None: params["includeSystem"] = include_system if all_databases is not None: params["global"] = all_databases request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/inventory", params=params ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_inventory(resp.body) raise ReplicationInventoryError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def create_dump_batch(self, ttl: Optional[int] = None) -> Result[Json]: """Create a new dump batch. :param ttl: Time-to-live for the new batch in seconds. :type ttl: int | None :return: ID of the batch. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationDumpBatchCreateError: If create fails. """ request = Request( method="post", endpoint="/_api/replication/batch", data={"ttl": ttl} ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return {"id": resp.body["id"], "last_tick": resp.body["lastTick"]} raise ReplicationDumpBatchCreateError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def delete_dump_batch(self, batch_id: str) -> Result[bool]: """Delete a dump batch. :param batch_id: Dump batch ID. :type batch_id: str :return: True if deletion was successful. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationDumpBatchDeleteError: If delete fails. """ request = Request( method="delete", endpoint=f"/_api/replication/batch/{batch_id}", deserialize=False, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return True raise ReplicationDumpBatchDeleteError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def extend_dump_batch(self, batch_id: str, ttl: int) -> Result[bool]: """Extend a dump batch. :param batch_id: Dump batch ID. :type batch_id: str :param ttl: Time-to-live for the new batch in seconds. :type ttl: int :return: True if operation was successful. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationDumpBatchExtendError: If dump fails. """ request = Request( method="put", endpoint=f"/_api/replication/batch/{batch_id}", data={"ttl": ttl}, deserialize=False, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return True raise ReplicationDumpBatchExtendError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def dump( self, collection: str, batch_id: Optional[str] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, deserialize: bool = False, ) -> Result[Json]: """Return the events data of one collection. :param collection: Name or ID of the collection to dump. :type collection: str :param batch_id: Batch ID. :type batch_id: str | None :param chunk_size: Size of the result in bytes. This value is honored approximately only. :type chunk_size: int | None :param deserialize: Deserialize the response content. Default is False. :type deserialize: bool :return: Collection events data. :rtype: str | [dict] :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationDumpError: If retrieval fails. """ params: Params = {"collection": collection} if chunk_size is not None: params["chunkSize"] = chunk_size if batch_id is not None: params["batchId"] = batch_id request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/dump", params=params, deserialize=False, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: result = format_replication_header(resp.headers) result["content"] = [ [ self._conn.deserialize(line) for line in resp.body.split("\n") if line ] if deserialize else resp.body ] return result raise ReplicationDumpError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def synchronize( self, endpoint: str, database: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, include_system: Optional[bool] = None, incremental: Optional[bool] = None, restrict_type: Optional[str] = None, restrict_collections: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, initial_sync_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: # pragma: no cover """Synchronize data from a remote endpoint. :param endpoint: Master endpoint (e.g. "tcp://"). :type endpoint: str :param database: Database name. :type database: str | None :param username: Username. :type username: str | None :param password: Password. :type password: str | None :param include_system: Whether to include system collection operations. :type include_system: bool | None :param incremental: If set to True, then an incremental synchronization method is used for synchronizing data in collections. This method is useful when collections already exist locally, and only the remaining differences need to be transferred from the remote endpoint. In this case, the incremental synchronization can be faster than a full synchronization. Default value is False, meaning complete data is transferred. :type incremental: bool | None :param restrict_type: Optional string value for collection filtering. Allowed values are "include" or "exclude". :type restrict_type: str | None :param restrict_collections: Optional list of collections for use with argument **restrict_type**. If **restrict_type** set to "include", only the specified collections are synchronised. Otherwise, all but the specified ones are synchronized. :type restrict_collections: [str] | None :param initial_sync_wait_time: Maximum wait time in seconds that the initial synchronization will wait for a response from master when fetching collection data. This can be used to control after what time the initial synchronization will give up waiting for response and fail. Value is ignored if set to 0. :type initial_sync_wait_time: int | None :return: Collections transferred and last log tick. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationSyncError: If sync fails. """ data: Json = {"endpoint": endpoint} if database is not None: data["database"] = database if username is not None: data["username"] = username if password is not None: data["password"] = password if include_system is not None: data["includeSystem"] = include_system if incremental is not None: data["incremental"] = incremental if restrict_type is not None: data["restrictType"] = restrict_type if restrict_collections is not None: data["restrictCollections"] = restrict_collections if initial_sync_wait_time is not None: data["initialSyncMaxWaitTime"] = initial_sync_wait_time request = Request(method="put", endpoint="/_api/replication/sync", data=data) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_sync(resp.body) raise ReplicationSyncError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def cluster_inventory(self, include_system: Optional[bool] = None) -> Result[Json]: """Return an overview of collections and indexes in a cluster. :param include_system: Include system collections in the result. Default value is True. :type include_system: bool :return: Overview of collections and indexes on the cluster. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationClusterInventoryError: If retrieval fails. """ params: Params = {} if include_system is not None: params["includeSystem"] = include_system request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/clusterInventory", params=params ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: # pragma: no cover return format_replication_inventory(resp.body) raise ReplicationClusterInventoryError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def logger_state(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return the state of the replication logger. :return: Logger state. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationLoggerStateError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/logger-state", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_logger_state(resp.body) raise ReplicationLoggerStateError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def logger_first_tick(self) -> Result[str]: """Return the first available tick value from the server. :return: First tick value. :rtype: str :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationLoggerFirstTickError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/logger-first-tick", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> str: if resp.is_success: return str(resp.body["firstTick"]) raise ReplicationLoggerFirstTickError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def applier_config(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return the configuration of the replication applier. :return: Configuration of the replication applier. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierConfigError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/applier-config", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_config(resp.body) raise ReplicationApplierConfigError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def set_applier_config( self, endpoint: str, database: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, max_connect_retries: Optional[int] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[int] = None, request_timeout: Optional[int] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, auto_start: Optional[bool] = None, adaptive_polling: Optional[bool] = None, include_system: Optional[bool] = None, auto_resync: Optional[bool] = None, auto_resync_retries: Optional[int] = None, initial_sync_max_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, connection_retry_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, idle_min_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, idle_max_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, require_from_present: Optional[bool] = None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None, restrict_type: Optional[str] = None, restrict_collections: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: """Set configuration values of the replication applier. :param endpoint: Server endpoint (e.g. "tcp://"). :type endpoint: str :param database: Database name. :type database: str | None :param username: Username. :type username: str | None :param password: Password. :type password: str | None :param max_connect_retries: Maximum number of connection attempts the applier makes in a row before stopping itself. :type max_connect_retries: int | None :param connect_timeout: Timeout in seconds when attempting to connect to the endpoint. This value is used for each connection attempt. :type connect_timeout: int | None :param request_timeout: Timeout in seconds for individual requests to the endpoint. :type request_timeout: int | None :param chunk_size: Requested maximum size in bytes for log transfer packets when the endpoint is contacted. :type chunk_size: int | None :param auto_start: Whether to auto-start the replication applier on (next and following) server starts. :type auto_start: bool | None :param adaptive_polling: If set to True, replication applier sleeps for an increasingly long period in case the logger server at the endpoint has no replication events to apply. Using adaptive polling reduces the amount of work done by both the applier and the logger server when there are infrequent changes. The downside is that it might take longer for the replication applier to detect new events. :type adaptive_polling: bool | None :param include_system: Whether system collection operations are applied. :type include_system: bool | None :param auto_resync: Whether the slave should perform a full automatic resynchronization with the master in case the master cannot serve log data requested by the slave, or when the replication is started and no tick value can be found. :type auto_resync: bool | None :param auto_resync_retries: Max number of resynchronization retries. Setting this to 0 disables it. :type auto_resync_retries: int | None :param initial_sync_max_wait_time: Max wait time in seconds the initial synchronization waits for master on collection data. This value is relevant even for continuous replication when **auto_resync** is set to True because this may re-start the initial synchronization when master cannot provide log data slave requires. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type initial_sync_max_wait_time: int | None :param connection_retry_wait_time: Time in seconds the applier idles before trying to connect to master in case of connection problems. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type connection_retry_wait_time: int | None :param idle_min_wait_time: Minimum wait time in seconds the applier idles before fetching more log data from the master in case the master has already sent all its log data. This wait time can be used to control the frequency with which the replication applier sends HTTP log fetch requests to the master in case there is no write activity on the master. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type idle_min_wait_time: int | None :param idle_max_wait_time: Maximum wait time in seconds the applier idles before fetching more log data from the master in case the master has already sent all its log data. This wait time can be used to control the maximum frequency with which the replication applier sends HTTP log fetch requests to the master in case there is no write activity on the master. Applies only when argument **adaptive_polling** is set to True. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type idle_max_wait_time: int | None :param require_from_present: If set to True, replication applier checks at start whether the start tick from which it starts or resumes replication is still present on the master. If not, then there would be data loss. If set to True, the replication applier aborts with an appropriate error message. If set to False, the applier still starts and ignores the data loss. :type require_from_present: bool | None :param verbose: If set to True, a log line is emitted for all operations performed by the replication applier. This should be used for debugging replication problems only. :type verbose: bool | None :param restrict_type: Optional string value for collection filtering. Allowed values are "include" or "exclude". :type restrict_type: str | None :param restrict_collections: Optional list of collections for use with argument **restrict_type**. If **restrict_type** set to "include", only the specified collections are included. Otherwise, only the specified collections are excluded. :type restrict_collections: [str] | None :return: Updated configuration. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierConfigSetError: If update fails. """ data: Json = {"endpoint": endpoint} if database is not None: data["database"] = database if username is not None: data["username"] = username if password is not None: data["password"] = password if max_connect_retries is not None: data["maxConnectRetries"] = max_connect_retries if connect_timeout is not None: data["connectTimeout"] = connect_timeout if request_timeout is not None: data["requestTimeout"] = request_timeout if chunk_size is not None: data["chunkSize"] = chunk_size if auto_start is not None: data["autoStart"] = auto_start if adaptive_polling is not None: data["adaptivePolling"] = adaptive_polling if include_system is not None: data["includeSystem"] = include_system if auto_resync is not None: data["autoResync"] = auto_resync if auto_resync_retries is not None: data["autoResyncRetries"] = auto_resync_retries if initial_sync_max_wait_time is not None: data["initialSyncMaxWaitTime"] = initial_sync_max_wait_time if connection_retry_wait_time is not None: data["connectionRetryWaitTime"] = connection_retry_wait_time if idle_min_wait_time is not None: data["idleMinWaitTime"] = idle_min_wait_time if idle_max_wait_time is not None: data["idleMaxWaitTime"] = idle_max_wait_time if require_from_present is not None: data["requireFromPresent"] = require_from_present if verbose is not None: data["verbose"] = verbose if restrict_type is not None: data["restrictType"] = restrict_type if restrict_collections is not None: data["restrictCollections"] = restrict_collections request = Request( method="put", endpoint="/_api/replication/applier-config", data=data ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_config(resp.body) raise ReplicationApplierConfigSetError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def applier_state(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return the state of the replication applier :return: Applier state and details. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierStateError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/applier-state", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_state(resp.body) raise ReplicationApplierStateError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def start_applier(self, last_tick: Optional[str] = None) -> Result[Json]: """Start the replication applier. :param last_tick: The remote last log tick value from which to start applying replication. If not specified, the last saved tick from the previous applier run is used. If there is no previous applier state saved, the applier starts at the beginning of the logger server's log. :type last_tick: str :return: Applier state and details. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierStartError: If operation fails. """ request = Request( method="put", endpoint="/_api/replication/applier-start", params={} if last_tick is None else {"from": last_tick}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_state(resp.body) raise ReplicationApplierStartError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def stop_applier(self) -> Result[Json]: """Stop the replication applier. :return: Applier state and details. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierStopError: If operation fails. """ request = Request( method="put", endpoint="/_api/replication/applier-stop", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_state(resp.body) raise ReplicationApplierStopError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def make_slave( self, endpoint: str, database: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, restrict_type: Optional[str] = None, restrict_collections: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include_system: Optional[bool] = None, max_connect_retries: Optional[int] = None, connect_timeout: Optional[int] = None, request_timeout: Optional[int] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, adaptive_polling: Optional[bool] = None, auto_resync: Optional[bool] = None, auto_resync_retries: Optional[int] = None, initial_sync_max_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, connection_retry_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, idle_min_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, idle_max_wait_time: Optional[int] = None, require_from_present: Optional[bool] = None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: # pragma: no cover """Change the server role to slave. :param endpoint: Master endpoint (e.g. "tcp://"). :type endpoint: str :param database: Database name. :type database: str | None :param username: Username. :type username: str | None :param password: Password. :type password: str | None :param restrict_type: Optional string value for collection filtering. Allowed values are "include" or "exclude". :type restrict_type: str | None :param restrict_collections: Optional list of collections for use with argument **restrict_type**. If **restrict_type** set to "include", only the specified collections are included. Otherwise, only the specified collections are excluded. :type restrict_collections: [str] | None :param include_system: Whether system collection operations are applied. :type include_system: bool | None :param max_connect_retries: Maximum number of connection attempts the applier makes in a row before stopping itself. :type max_connect_retries: int | None :param connect_timeout: Timeout in seconds when attempting to connect to the endpoint. This value is used for each connection attempt. :type connect_timeout: int | None :param request_timeout: Timeout in seconds for individual requests to the endpoint. :type request_timeout: int | None :param chunk_size: Requested maximum size in bytes for log transfer packets when the endpoint is contacted. :type chunk_size: int | None :param adaptive_polling: If set to True, replication applier sleeps for an increasingly long period in case the logger server at the endpoint has no replication events to apply. Using adaptive polling reduces the amount of work done by both the applier and the logger server when there are infrequent changes. The downside is that it might take longer for the replication applier to detect new events. :type adaptive_polling: bool | None :param auto_resync: Whether the slave should perform a full automatic resynchronization with the master in case the master cannot serve log data requested by the slave, or when the replication is started and no tick value can be found. :type auto_resync: bool | None :param auto_resync_retries: Max number of resynchronization retries. Setting this to 0 disables it. :type auto_resync_retries: int | None :param initial_sync_max_wait_time: Max wait time in seconds the initial synchronization waits for master on collection data. This value is relevant even for continuous replication when **auto_resync** is set to True because this may restart the initial synchronization when master cannot provide log data slave requires. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type initial_sync_max_wait_time: int | None :param connection_retry_wait_time: Time in seconds the applier idles before trying to connect to master in case of connection problems. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type connection_retry_wait_time: int | None :param idle_min_wait_time: Minimum wait time in seconds the applier idles before fetching more log data from the master in case the master has already sent all its log data. This wait time can be used to control the frequency with which the replication applier sends HTTP log fetch requests to the master in case there is no write activity on the master. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type idle_min_wait_time: int | None :param idle_max_wait_time: Maximum wait time in seconds the applier idles before fetching more log data from the master in case the master has already sent all its log data. This wait time can be used to control the maximum frequency with which the replication applier sends HTTP log fetch requests to the master in case there is no write activity on the master. Applies only when argument **adaptive_polling** is set to True. This value is ignored if set to 0. :type idle_max_wait_time: int | None :param require_from_present: If set to True, replication applier checks at start whether the start tick from which it starts or resumes replication is still present on the master. If not, then there would be data loss. If set to True, the replication applier aborts with an appropriate error message. If set to False, the applier still starts and ignores the data loss. :type require_from_present: bool | None :param verbose: If set to True, a log line is emitted for all operations performed by the replication applier. This should be used for debugging replication problems only. :type verbose: bool | None :return: Replication details. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationApplierStopError: If operation fails. """ data: Json = {"endpoint": endpoint} if database is not None: data["database"] = database if username is not None: data["username"] = username if password is not None: data["password"] = password if restrict_type is not None: data["restrictType"] = restrict_type if restrict_collections is not None: data["restrictCollections"] = restrict_collections if include_system is not None: data["includeSystem"] = include_system if max_connect_retries is not None: data["maxConnectRetries"] = max_connect_retries if connect_timeout is not None: data["connectTimeout"] = connect_timeout if request_timeout is not None: data["requestTimeout"] = request_timeout if chunk_size is not None: data["chunkSize"] = chunk_size if adaptive_polling is not None: data["adaptivePolling"] = adaptive_polling if auto_resync is not None: data["autoResync"] = auto_resync if auto_resync_retries is not None: data["autoResyncRetries"] = auto_resync_retries if initial_sync_max_wait_time is not None: data["initialSyncMaxWaitTime"] = initial_sync_max_wait_time if connection_retry_wait_time is not None: data["connectionRetryWaitTime"] = connection_retry_wait_time if idle_min_wait_time is not None: data["idleMinWaitTime"] = idle_min_wait_time if idle_max_wait_time is not None: data["idleMaxWaitTime"] = idle_max_wait_time if require_from_present is not None: data["requireFromPresent"] = require_from_present if verbose is not None: data["verbose"] = verbose request = Request( method="put", endpoint="/_api/replication/make-slave", data=data ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_replication_applier_state(resp.body) raise ReplicationMakeSlaveError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def server_id(self) -> Result[str]: """Return this server's ID. :return: Server ID. :rtype: str :raise arango.exceptions.ReplicationServerIDError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/replication/server-id", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> str: if resp.is_success: return str(resp.body["serverId"]) raise ReplicationServerIDError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)