Source code for arango.cursor

__all__ = ["Cursor"]

from collections import deque
from typing import Any, Deque, Optional, Sequence

from arango.connection import BaseConnection
from arango.exceptions import (
from arango.request import Request
from arango.typings import Json

[docs] class Cursor: """Cursor API wrapper. Cursors fetch query results from ArangoDB server in batches. Cursor objects are *stateful* as they store the fetched items in-memory. They must not be shared across threads without proper locking mechanism. :param connection: HTTP connection. :param init_data: Cursor initialization data. :type init_data: dict :param cursor_type: Cursor type ("cursor" or "export"). :type cursor_type: str :param allow_retry: If set to True, the cursor will always attempt to fetch the latest batch from server even if the previous attempt failed. This option is only available for server versions 3.11 and above. :type allow_retry: bool """ __slots__ = [ "_conn", "_type", "_id", "_count", "_cached", "_stats", "_profile", "_warnings", "_has_more", "_batch", "_next_batch_id", "_allow_retry", ] def __init__( self, connection: BaseConnection, init_data: Json, cursor_type: str = "cursor", allow_retry: bool = False, ) -> None: self._conn = connection self._type = cursor_type self._allow_retry = allow_retry self._batch: Deque[Any] = deque() self._id = None self._count: Optional[int] = None self._cached = None self._stats = None self._profile = None self._warnings = None self._next_batch_id: Optional[str] = None self._update(init_data) def __iter__(self) -> "Cursor": return self def __next__(self) -> Any: # pragma: no cover return def __enter__(self) -> "Cursor": return self def __len__(self) -> int: if self._count is None: raise CursorCountError("cursor count not enabled") return self._count def __exit__(self, *_: Any) -> None: self.close(ignore_missing=True) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Cursor {self._id}>" if self._id else "<Cursor>" def _update(self, data: Json) -> Json: """Update the cursor using data from ArangoDB server. :param data: Cursor data from ArangoDB server (e.g. results). :type data: dict :return: Update cursor data. :rtype: dict """ result: Json = {} if "id" in data: self._id = data["id"] result["id"] = data["id"] if "count" in data: self._count = data["count"] result["count"] = data["count"] if "cached" in data: self._cached = data["cached"] result["cached"] = data["cached"] # New in 3.11 if "nextBatchId" in data: # This is only available for server versions 3.11 and above. # Currently, we are testing against 3.10.9 self._next_batch_id = data["nextBatchId"] # pragma: no cover result["next_batch_id"] = data["nextBatchId"] # pragma: no cover self._has_more = bool(data["hasMore"]) result["has_more"] = data["hasMore"] self._batch.extend(data["result"]) result["batch"] = data["result"] if "extra" in data: extra = data["extra"] if "profile" in extra: self._profile = extra["profile"] result["profile"] = extra["profile"] if "warnings" in extra: self._warnings = extra["warnings"] result["warnings"] = extra["warnings"] if "stats" in extra: stats = extra["stats"] if "writesExecuted" in stats: stats["modified"] = stats.pop("writesExecuted") if "writesIgnored" in stats: stats["ignored"] = stats.pop("writesIgnored") if "scannedFull" in stats: stats["scanned_full"] = stats.pop("scannedFull") if "scannedIndex" in stats: stats["scanned_index"] = stats.pop("scannedIndex") if "executionTime" in stats: stats["execution_time"] = stats.pop("executionTime") if "httpRequests" in stats: stats["http_requests"] = stats.pop("httpRequests") if "cursorsCreated" in stats: stats["cursorsCreated"] = stats.pop("cursorsCreated") if "cursorsRearmed" in stats: stats["cursorsRearmed"] = stats.pop("cursorsRearmed") if "cacheHits" in stats: stats["cacheHits"] = stats.pop("cacheHits") if "cacheMisses" in stats: stats["cacheMisses"] = stats.pop("cacheMisses") # New in 3.11 if "peakMemoryUsage" in stats: stats["peak_memory_usage"] = stats.pop("peakMemoryUsage") self._stats = stats result["statistics"] = stats return result @property def id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the cursor ID. :return: Cursor ID. :rtype: str """ return self._id @property def type(self) -> str: """Return the cursor type. :return: Cursor type ("cursor" or "export"). :rtype: str """ return self._type
[docs] def batch(self) -> Optional[Deque[Any]]: """Return the current batch of results. :return: Current batch. :rtype: collections.deque """ return self._batch
[docs] def has_more(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True if more results are available on the server. :return: True if more results are available on the server. :rtype: bool """ return self._has_more
[docs] def count(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the total number of documents in the entire result set. :return: Total number of documents, or None if the count option was not enabled during cursor initialization. :rtype: int | None """ return self._count
[docs] def cached(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Return True if results are cached. :return: True if results are cached. :rtype: bool """ return self._cached
[docs] def statistics(self) -> Optional[Json]: """Return cursor statistics. :return: Cursor statistics. :rtype: dict """ return self._stats
[docs] def profile(self) -> Optional[Json]: """Return cursor performance profile. :return: Cursor performance profile. :rtype: dict """ return self._profile
[docs] def warnings(self) -> Optional[Sequence[Json]]: """Return any warnings from the query execution. :return: Warnings, or None if there are none. :rtype: [str] """ return self._warnings
[docs] def empty(self) -> bool: """Check if the current batch is empty. :return: True if current batch is empty, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return len(self._batch) == 0
[docs] def next(self) -> Any: """Pop the next item from the current batch. If current batch is empty/depleted, an API request is automatically sent to ArangoDB server to fetch the next batch and update the cursor. :return: Next item in current batch. :raise StopIteration: If the result set is depleted. :raise arango.exceptions.CursorNextError: If batch retrieval fails. :raise arango.exceptions.CursorStateError: If cursor ID is not set. """ if self.empty(): if not self.has_more(): raise StopIteration self.fetch() return self.pop()
[docs] def pop(self) -> Any: """Pop the next item from current batch. If current batch is empty/depleted, an exception is raised. You must call :func:`arango.cursor.Cursor.fetch` to manually fetch the next batch from server. :return: Next item in current batch. :raise arango.exceptions.CursorEmptyError: If current batch is empty. """ if len(self._batch) == 0: raise CursorEmptyError("current batch is empty") return self._batch.popleft()
[docs] def fetch(self) -> Json: """Fetch the next batch from server and update the cursor. :return: New batch details. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.CursorNextError: If batch retrieval fails. :raise arango.exceptions.CursorStateError: If cursor ID is not set. """ if self._id is None: raise CursorStateError("cursor ID not set") endpoint = f"/_api/{self._type}/{self._id}" if self._allow_retry and self._next_batch_id is not None: endpoint += f"/{self._next_batch_id}" # pragma: no cover request = Request(method="post", endpoint=endpoint) resp = self._conn.send_request(request) if not resp.is_success: raise CursorNextError(resp, request) return self._update(resp.body)
[docs] def close(self, ignore_missing: bool = False) -> Optional[bool]: """Close the cursor and free any server resources tied to it. :param ignore_missing: Do not raise exception on missing cursors. :type ignore_missing: bool :return: True if cursor was closed successfully, False if cursor was missing on the server and **ignore_missing** was set to True, None if there are no cursors to close server-side (e.g. result set is smaller than the batch size). :rtype: bool | None :raise arango.exceptions.CursorCloseError: If operation fails. :raise arango.exceptions.CursorStateError: If cursor ID is not set. """ if self._id is None: return None request = Request(method="delete", endpoint=f"/_api/{self._type}/{self._id}") resp = self._conn.send_request(request) if resp.is_success: return True if resp.status_code == 404 and ignore_missing: return False raise CursorCloseError(resp, request)