Source code for arango.graph

__all__ = ["Graph"]

from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from arango.api import ApiGroup
from arango.collection import EdgeCollection, VertexCollection
from arango.connection import Connection
from arango.exceptions import (
from arango.executor import ApiExecutor
from arango.formatter import format_graph_properties
from arango.request import Request
from arango.response import Response
from arango.result import Result
from arango.typings import Json, Jsons
from arango.utils import get_col_name, get_doc_id

[docs] class Graph(ApiGroup): """Graph API wrapper.""" def __init__( self, connection: Connection, executor: ApiExecutor, name: str ) -> None: super().__init__(connection, executor) self._name = name def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Graph {self._name}>" def _get_col_by_vertex(self, vertex: Union[str, Json]) -> VertexCollection: """Return the vertex collection for the given vertex document. :param vertex: Vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type vertex: str | dict :return: Vertex collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.VertexCollection """ return self.vertex_collection(get_col_name(vertex)) def _get_col_by_edge(self, edge: Union[str, Json]) -> EdgeCollection: """Return the edge collection for the given edge document. :param edge: Edge document ID or body with "_id" field. :type edge: str | dict :return: Edge collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.EdgeCollection """ return self.edge_collection(get_col_name(edge)) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the graph name. :return: Graph name. :rtype: str """ return self._name
[docs] def properties(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return graph properties. :return: Graph properties. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.GraphPropertiesError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_graph_properties(resp.body["graph"]) raise GraphPropertiesError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
################################ # Vertex Collection Management # ################################
[docs] def has_vertex_collection(self, name: str) -> Result[bool]: """Check if the graph has the given vertex collection. :param name: Vertex collection name. :type name: str :return: True if vertex collection exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/vertex", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return name in resp.body["collections"] raise VertexCollectionListError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def vertex_collections(self) -> Result[List[str]]: """Return vertex collections in the graph. :return: Names of vertex collections in Edge Definitions and Orphan Collections. :rtype: [str] :raise arango.exceptions.VertexCollectionListError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request( method="get", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/vertex", ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> List[str]: if not resp.is_success: raise VertexCollectionListError(resp, request) return sorted(set(resp.body["collections"])) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def vertex_collection(self, name: str) -> VertexCollection: """Return the vertex collection API wrapper. :param name: Vertex collection name. :type name: str :return: Vertex collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.VertexCollection """ return VertexCollection(self._conn, self._executor, self._name, name)
[docs] def create_vertex_collection(self, name: str) -> Result[VertexCollection]: """Create a vertex collection in the graph. :param name: Vertex collection name. :type name: str :return: Vertex collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.VertexCollection :raise arango.exceptions.VertexCollectionCreateError: If create fails. """ request = Request( method="post", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/vertex", data={"collection": name}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> VertexCollection: if resp.is_success: return self.vertex_collection(name) raise VertexCollectionCreateError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def delete_vertex_collection(self, name: str, purge: bool = False) -> Result[bool]: """Remove a vertex collection from the graph. :param name: Vertex collection name. :type name: str :param purge: If set to True, the vertex collection is not just deleted from the graph but also from the database completely. :type purge: bool :return: True if vertex collection was deleted successfully. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.VertexCollectionDeleteError: If delete fails. """ request = Request( method="delete", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/vertex/{name}", params={"dropCollection": purge}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return True raise VertexCollectionDeleteError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
############################## # Edge Collection Management # ##############################
[docs] def has_edge_definition(self, name: str) -> Result[bool]: """Check if the graph has the given edge definition. :param name: Edge collection name. :type name: str :return: True if edge definition exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if not resp.is_success: raise EdgeDefinitionListError(resp, request) body = resp.body["graph"] return any( edge_definition["collection"] == name for edge_definition in body["edgeDefinitions"] ) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def has_edge_collection(self, name: str) -> Result[bool]: """Check if the graph has the given edge collection. :param name: Edge collection name. :type name: str :return: True if edge collection exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self.has_edge_definition(name)
[docs] def edge_collection(self, name: str) -> EdgeCollection: """Return the edge collection API wrapper. :param name: Edge collection name. :type name: str :return: Edge collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.EdgeCollection """ return EdgeCollection(self._conn, self._executor, self._name, name)
[docs] def edge_definitions(self) -> Result[Jsons]: """Return the edge definitions of the graph. :return: Edge definitions of the graph. :rtype: [dict] :raise arango.exceptions.EdgeDefinitionListError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Jsons: if not resp.is_success: raise EdgeDefinitionListError(resp, request) body = resp.body["graph"] return [ { "edge_collection": edge_definition["collection"], "from_vertex_collections": edge_definition["from"], "to_vertex_collections": edge_definition["to"], } for edge_definition in body["edgeDefinitions"] ] return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def create_edge_definition( self, edge_collection: str, from_vertex_collections: Sequence[str], to_vertex_collections: Sequence[str], ) -> Result[EdgeCollection]: """Create a new edge definition. An edge definition consists of an edge collection, "from" vertex collection(s) and "to" vertex collection(s). Here is an example entry: .. code-block:: python { 'edge_collection': 'edge_collection_name', 'from_vertex_collections': ['from_vertex_collection_name'], 'to_vertex_collections': ['to_vertex_collection_name'] } :param edge_collection: Edge collection name. :type edge_collection: str :param from_vertex_collections: Names of "from" vertex collections. :type from_vertex_collections: [str] :param to_vertex_collections: Names of "to" vertex collections. :type to_vertex_collections: [str] :return: Edge collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.EdgeCollection :raise arango.exceptions.EdgeDefinitionCreateError: If create fails. """ request = Request( method="post", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/edge", data={ "collection": edge_collection, "from": from_vertex_collections, "to": to_vertex_collections, }, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> EdgeCollection: if resp.is_success: return self.edge_collection(edge_collection) raise EdgeDefinitionCreateError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def replace_edge_definition( self, edge_collection: str, from_vertex_collections: Sequence[str], to_vertex_collections: Sequence[str], ) -> Result[EdgeCollection]: """Replace an edge definition. :param edge_collection: Edge collection name. :type edge_collection: str :param from_vertex_collections: Names of "from" vertex collections. :type from_vertex_collections: [str] :param to_vertex_collections: Names of "to" vertex collections. :type to_vertex_collections: [str] :return: Edge collection API wrapper. :rtype: arango.collection.EdgeCollection :raise arango.exceptions.EdgeDefinitionReplaceError: If replace fails. """ request = Request( method="put", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/edge/{edge_collection}", data={ "collection": edge_collection, "from": from_vertex_collections, "to": to_vertex_collections, }, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> EdgeCollection: if resp.is_success: return self.edge_collection(edge_collection) raise EdgeDefinitionReplaceError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def delete_edge_definition(self, name: str, purge: bool = False) -> Result[bool]: """Delete an edge definition from the graph. :param name: Edge collection name. :type name: str :param purge: If set to True, the edge definition is not just removed from the graph but the edge collection is also deleted completely from the database. :type purge: bool :return: True if edge definition was deleted successfully. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.EdgeDefinitionDeleteError: If delete fails. """ request = Request( method="delete", endpoint=f"/_api/gharial/{self._name}/edge/{name}", params={"dropCollections": purge}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return True raise EdgeDefinitionDeleteError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
################### # Graph Functions # ###################
[docs] def traverse( self, start_vertex: Union[str, Json], direction: str = "outbound", item_order: str = "forward", strategy: Optional[str] = None, order: Optional[str] = None, edge_uniqueness: Optional[str] = None, vertex_uniqueness: Optional[str] = None, max_iter: Optional[int] = None, min_depth: Optional[int] = None, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, init_func: Optional[str] = None, sort_func: Optional[str] = None, filter_func: Optional[str] = None, visitor_func: Optional[str] = None, expander_func: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: """Traverse the graph and return the visited vertices and edges. :param start_vertex: Start vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type start_vertex: str | dict :param direction: Traversal direction. Allowed values are "outbound" (default), "inbound" and "any". :type direction: str :param item_order: Item iteration order. Allowed values are "forward" (default) and "backward". :type item_order: str :param strategy: Traversal strategy. Allowed values are "depthfirst" and "breadthfirst". :type strategy: str | None :param order: Traversal order. Allowed values are "preorder", "postorder", and "preorder-expander". :type order: str | None :param edge_uniqueness: Uniqueness for visited edges. Allowed values are "global", "path" or "none". :type edge_uniqueness: str | None :param vertex_uniqueness: Uniqueness for visited vertices. Allowed values are "global", "path" or "none". :type vertex_uniqueness: str | None :param max_iter: If set, halt the traversal after the given number of iterations. This parameter can be used to prevent endless loops in cyclic graphs. :type max_iter: int | None :param min_depth: Minimum depth of the nodes to visit. :type min_depth: int | None :param max_depth: Maximum depth of the nodes to visit. :type max_depth: int | None :param init_func: Initialization function in Javascript with signature ``(config, result) -> void``. This function is used to initialize values in the result. :type init_func: str | None :param sort_func: Sorting function in Javascript with signature ``(left, right) -> integer``, which returns ``-1`` if ``left < right``, ``+1`` if ``left > right`` and ``0`` if ``left == right``. :type sort_func: str | None :param filter_func: Filter function in Javascript with signature ``(config, vertex, path) -> mixed``, where ``mixed`` can have one of the following values (or an array with multiple): "exclude" (do not visit the vertex), "prune" (do not follow the edges of the vertex), or "undefined" (visit the vertex and follow its edges). :type filter_func: str | None :param visitor_func: Visitor function in Javascript with signature ``(config, result, vertex, path, connected) -> void``. The return value is ignored, ``result`` is modified by reference, and ``connected`` is populated only when parameter **order** is set to "preorder-expander". :type visitor_func: str | None :param expander_func: Expander function in Javascript with signature ``(config, vertex, path) -> mixed``. The function must return an array of connections for ``vertex``. Each connection is an object with attributes "edge" and "vertex". :type expander_func: str | None :return: Visited edges and vertices. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.GraphTraverseError: If traversal fails. """ if strategy is not None: if strategy.lower() == "dfs": strategy = "depthfirst" elif strategy.lower() == "bfs": strategy = "breadthfirst" uniqueness = {} if vertex_uniqueness is not None: uniqueness["vertices"] = vertex_uniqueness if edge_uniqueness is not None: uniqueness["edges"] = edge_uniqueness data: Json = { "startVertex": get_doc_id(start_vertex), "graphName": self._name, "direction": direction, "strategy": strategy, "order": order, "itemOrder": item_order, "uniqueness": uniqueness or None, "maxIterations": max_iter, "minDepth": min_depth, "maxDepth": max_depth, "init": init_func, "filter": filter_func, "visitor": visitor_func, "sort": sort_func, "expander": expander_func, } request = Request( method="post", endpoint="/_api/traversal", data={k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if not resp.is_success: raise GraphTraverseError(resp, request) result: Json = resp.body["result"]["visited"] return result return self._execute(request, response_handler)
##################### # Vertex Management # #####################
[docs] def has_vertex( self, vertex: Union[str, Json], rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True, ) -> Result[bool]: """Check if the given vertex document exists in the graph. :param vertex: Vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type vertex: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **vertex** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **vertex** (if given) is compared against the revision of target vertex document. :type check_rev: bool :return: True if vertex document exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentGetError: If check fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_vertex(vertex).has(vertex, rev, check_rev)
[docs] def vertex( self, vertex: Union[str, Json], rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True, ) -> Result[Optional[Json]]: """Return a vertex document. :param vertex: Vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type vertex: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **vertex** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **vertex** (if given) is compared against the revision of target vertex document. :type check_rev: bool :return: Vertex document or None if not found. :rtype: dict | None :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentGetError: If retrieval fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_vertex(vertex).get(vertex, rev, check_rev)
[docs] def insert_vertex( self, collection: str, vertex: Json, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Insert a new vertex document. :param collection: Vertex collection name. :type collection: str :param vertex: New vertex document to insert. If it has "_key" or "_id" field, its value is used as key of the new vertex (otherwise it is auto-generated). Any "_rev" field is ignored. :type vertex: dict :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentInsertError: If insert fails. """ return self.vertex_collection(collection).insert(vertex, sync, silent)
[docs] def update_vertex( self, vertex: Json, check_rev: bool = True, keep_none: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Update a vertex document. :param vertex: Partial or full vertex document with updated values. It must contain the "_id" field. :type vertex: dict :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **vertex** (if given) is compared against the revision of target vertex document. :type check_rev: bool :param keep_none: If set to True, fields with value None are retained in the document. If set to False, they are removed completely. :type keep_none: bool :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentUpdateError: If update fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_vertex(vertex).update( vertex=vertex, check_rev=check_rev, keep_none=keep_none, sync=sync, silent=silent, )
[docs] def replace_vertex( self, vertex: Json, check_rev: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Replace a vertex document. :param vertex: New vertex document to replace the old one with. It must contain the "_id" field. :type vertex: dict :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **vertex** (if given) is compared against the revision of target vertex document. :type check_rev: bool :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentReplaceError: If replace fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_vertex(vertex).replace( vertex=vertex, check_rev=check_rev, sync=sync, silent=silent )
[docs] def delete_vertex( self, vertex: Json, rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True, ignore_missing: bool = False, sync: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Delete a vertex document. :param vertex: Vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type vertex: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **vertex** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **vertex** (if given) is compared against the revision of target vertex document. :type check_rev: bool :param ignore_missing: Do not raise an exception on missing document. This parameter has no effect in transactions where an exception is always raised on failures. :type ignore_missing: bool :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :return: True if vertex was deleted successfully, False if vertex was not found and **ignore_missing** was set to True (does not apply in transactions). :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentDeleteError: If delete fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_vertex(vertex).delete( vertex=vertex, rev=rev, check_rev=check_rev, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, sync=sync, )
################### # Edge Management # ###################
[docs] def has_edge( self, edge: Union[str, Json], rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True ) -> Result[bool]: """Check if the given edge document exists in the graph. :param edge: Edge document ID or body with "_id" field. :type edge: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **edge** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **edge** (if given) is compared against the revision of target edge document. :type check_rev: bool :return: True if edge document exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentInError: If check fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_edge(edge).has(edge, rev, check_rev)
[docs] def edge( self, edge: Union[str, Json], rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True ) -> Result[Optional[Json]]: """Return an edge document. :param edge: Edge document ID or body with "_id" field. :type edge: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **edge** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **edge** (if given) is compared against the revision of target edge document. :type check_rev: bool :return: Edge document or None if not found. :rtype: dict | None :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentGetError: If retrieval fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_edge(edge).get(edge, rev, check_rev)
[docs] def insert_edge( self, collection: str, edge: Json, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Insert a new edge document. :param collection: Edge collection name. :type collection: str :param edge: New edge document to insert. It must contain "_from" and "_to" fields. If it has "_key" or "_id" field, its value is used as key of the new edge document (otherwise it is auto-generated). Any "_rev" field is ignored. :type edge: dict :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentInsertError: If insert fails. """ return self.edge_collection(collection).insert(edge, sync, silent)
[docs] def update_edge( self, edge: Json, check_rev: bool = True, keep_none: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Update an edge document. :param edge: Partial or full edge document with updated values. It must contain the "_id" field. :type edge: dict :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **edge** (if given) is compared against the revision of target edge document. :type check_rev: bool :param keep_none: If set to True, fields with value None are retained in the document. If set to False, they are removed completely. :type keep_none: bool | None :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentUpdateError: If update fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_edge(edge).update( edge=edge, check_rev=check_rev, keep_none=keep_none, sync=sync, silent=silent, )
[docs] def replace_edge( self, edge: Json, check_rev: bool = True, sync: Optional[bool] = None, silent: bool = False, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Replace an edge document. :param edge: New edge document to replace the old one with. It must contain the "_id" field. It must also contain the "_from" and "_to" fields. :type edge: dict :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **edge** (if given) is compared against the revision of target edge document. :type check_rev: bool :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :param silent: If set to True, no document metadata is returned. This can be used to save resources. :type silent: bool :return: Document metadata (e.g. document key, revision) or True if parameter **silent** was set to True. :rtype: bool | dict :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentReplaceError: If replace fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_edge(edge).replace( edge=edge, check_rev=check_rev, sync=sync, silent=silent )
[docs] def delete_edge( self, edge: Union[str, Json], rev: Optional[str] = None, check_rev: bool = True, ignore_missing: bool = False, sync: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Result[Union[bool, Json]]: """Delete an edge document. :param edge: Edge document ID or body with "_id" field. :type edge: str | dict :param rev: Expected document revision. Overrides the value of "_rev" field in **edge** if present. :type rev: str | None :param check_rev: If set to True, revision of **edge** (if given) is compared against the revision of target edge document. :type check_rev: bool :param ignore_missing: Do not raise an exception on missing document. This parameter has no effect in transactions where an exception is always raised on failures. :type ignore_missing: bool :param sync: Block until operation is synchronized to disk. :type sync: bool | None :return: True if edge was deleted successfully, False if edge was not found and **ignore_missing** was set to True (does not apply in transactions). :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentDeleteError: If delete fails. :raise arango.exceptions.DocumentRevisionError: If revisions mismatch. """ return self._get_col_by_edge(edge).delete( edge=edge, rev=rev, check_rev=check_rev, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, sync=sync, )
[docs] def edges( self, collection: str, vertex: Union[str, Json], direction: Optional[str] = None ) -> Result[Json]: """Return the edge documents coming in and/or out of given vertex. :param collection: Edge collection name. :type collection: str :param vertex: Vertex document ID or body with "_id" field. :type vertex: str | dict :param direction: The direction of the edges. Allowed values are "in" and "out". If not set, edges in both directions are returned. :type direction: str :return: List of edges and statistics. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.EdgeListError: If retrieval fails. """ return self.edge_collection(collection).edges(vertex, direction)