Source code for arango.wal

__all__ = ["WAL"]

from typing import Optional

from arango.api import ApiGroup
from arango.exceptions import (
from arango.formatter import (
from arango.request import Request
from arango.response import Response
from arango.result import Result
from arango.typings import Json, Params

[docs] class WAL(ApiGroup): # pragma: no cover """WAL (Write-Ahead Log) API wrapper."""
[docs] def properties(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return WAL properties. :return: WAL properties. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALPropertiesError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint="/_admin/wal/properties") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_wal_properties(resp.body) raise WALPropertiesError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def configure( self, oversized_ops: Optional[bool] = None, log_size: Optional[int] = None, historic_logs: Optional[int] = None, reserve_logs: Optional[int] = None, throttle_wait: Optional[int] = None, throttle_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Result[Json]: """Configure WAL properties. :param oversized_ops: If set to True, operations bigger than a single log file are allowed to be executed and stored. :type oversized_ops: bool :param log_size: Size of each write-ahead log file in bytes. :type log_size: int :param historic_logs: Max number of historic log files to keep. :type historic_logs: int :param reserve_logs: Max number of reserve log files to allocate. :type reserve_logs: int :param throttle_wait: Wait time before aborting when write-throttled in milliseconds. :type throttle_wait: int :param throttle_limit: Number of pending garbage collector operations that, when reached, activates write-throttling. Value of 0 means no throttling is triggered. :type throttle_limit: int :return: New WAL properties. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALConfigureError: If operation fails. """ data: Json = {} if oversized_ops is not None: data["allowOversizeEntries"] = oversized_ops if log_size is not None: data["logfileSize"] = log_size if historic_logs is not None: data["historicLogfiles"] = historic_logs if reserve_logs is not None: data["reserveLogfiles"] = reserve_logs if throttle_wait is not None: data["throttleWait"] = throttle_wait if throttle_limit is not None: data["throttleWhenPending"] = throttle_limit request = Request(method="put", endpoint="/_admin/wal/properties", data=data) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_wal_properties(resp.body) raise WALConfigureError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def transactions(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return details on currently running WAL transactions. Fields in the returned details are as follows: .. code-block:: none "last_collected" : ID of the last collected log file (at the start of each running transaction) or None if no transactions are running. "last_sealed" : ID of the last sealed log file (at the start of each running transaction) or None if no transactions are running. "count" : Number of currently running transactions. :return: Details on currently running WAL transactions. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALTransactionListError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint="/_admin/wal/transactions") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_wal_transactions(resp.body) raise WALTransactionListError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def flush(self, sync: bool = True, garbage_collect: bool = True) -> Result[bool]: """Synchronize WAL to disk. :param sync: Block until the synchronization is complete. :type sync: bool | None :param garbage_collect: Block until flushed data is garbage collected. :type garbage_collect: bool :return: True if WAL was flushed successfully. :rtype: bool :raise arango.exceptions.WALFlushError: If flush operation fails. """ request = Request( method="put", endpoint="/_admin/wal/flush", params={"waitForSync": sync, "waitForCollector": garbage_collect}, ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> bool: if resp.is_success: return True raise WALFlushError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def tick_ranges(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return the available ranges of tick values for all WAL files. :return: Ranges of tick values. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALTickRangesError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint="/_api/wal/range") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_tick_values(resp.body) raise WALTickRangesError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def last_tick(self) -> Result[Json]: """Return the last available tick value (last successful operation). :return: Last tick value in the WAL. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALLastTickError: If retrieval fails. """ request = Request(method="get", endpoint="/_api/wal/lastTick") def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: return format_tick_values(resp.body) raise WALLastTickError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)
[docs] def tail( self, lower: Optional[str] = None, upper: Optional[str] = None, last_scanned: Optional[str] = None, all_databases: Optional[bool] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, syncer_id: Optional[int] = None, server_id: Optional[int] = None, client_info: Optional[str] = None, barrier_id: Optional[int] = None, deserialize: bool = False, ) -> Result[Json]: """Fetch recent WAL operations. :param lower: Exclusive lower bound tick value. On successive calls to this method you should set this to the value of "last_included" from previous call (unless the value was 0). :type lower: str | None :param upper: Inclusive upper bound tick value for results. :type upper: str | None :param last_scanned: On successive calls to this method you should set this to the value of "last_scanned" from previous call (or 0 on first try). This allows the rocksdb engine to break up large transactions over multiple responses. :type last_scanned: str | None :param all_databases: Whether operations for all databases should be included. When set to False only the operations for the current database are included. The value True is only valid on "_system" database. The default is False. :type all_databases: bool | None :param chunk_size: Approximate maximum size of the returned result. :type chunk_size: int | None :param syncer_id: ID of the client used to tail results. The server will use this to keep operations until the client has fetched them. Must be a positive integer. Note this or **server_id** is required to have a chance at fetching reading all operations with the rocksdb storage engine. :type syncer_id: int | None :param server_id: ID of the client machine. If unset, the server will use this to keep operations until the client has fetched them. Must be a positive integer. Note this or **syncer_id** is required to have a chance at fetching reading all operations with the rocksdb storage engine. :type server_id: int | None :param client_info: Short description of the client, used for informative purposes only. :type client_info: str | None :param barrier_id: ID of barrier used to keep WAL entries around. :type barrier_id: int | None :param deserialize: Deserialize the response content. Default is False. :type deserialize: bool :return: If **deserialize** is set to False, content is returned raw as a string. If **deserialize** is set to True, it is deserialized and returned as a list of dictionaries. :rtype: dict :raise arango.exceptions.WALTailError: If tail operation fails. """ params: Params = {} if lower is not None: params["from"] = lower if upper is not None: params["to"] = upper if last_scanned is not None: params["lastScanned"] = last_scanned if all_databases is not None: params["global"] = all_databases if chunk_size is not None: params["chunkSize"] = chunk_size if syncer_id is not None: params["syncerId"] = syncer_id if server_id is not None: params["serverId"] = server_id if client_info is not None: params["clientInfo"] = client_info if barrier_id is not None: params["barrierId"] = barrier_id request = Request( method="get", endpoint="/_api/wal/tail", params=params, deserialize=False ) def response_handler(resp: Response) -> Json: if resp.is_success: result = format_replication_header(resp.headers) result["content"] = ( [ self._conn.deserialize(line) for line in resp.body.split("\n") if line ] if deserialize else resp.body ) return result raise WALTailError(resp, request) return self._execute(request, response_handler)